- Screening Saves Lives
- Cervical screening
- What is cervical screening?
- Who can get cervical screening?
- No Fear Practices
- No Fear Practice signup
- No Fear Practices – Darlington
- No Fear Practices – Durham
- No Fear Practices – Hambleton and Richmondhshire
- No Fear Practices – Hartlepool
- No Fear Practices – Middlesbrough
- No Fear Practices – Newcastle
- No Fear Practices – Northumberland
- No Fear Practices – North Tyneside
- No Fear Practices – Redcar and Cleveland
- No Fear Practices – Stockton
- No Fear Practices – Sunderland
- No Fear Practices – Whitby
- What happens at a cervical screening?
- What will my cervical screening results be?
- Why is cervical screening important?
- Screen Stars
- Useful links about cervical screening
- Beautiful magazine
- Downloadable materials for cervical screening
- Cervical screening
This website is owned by Middlesbrough Council and is a project led by Public Health South Tees, the public health function of Middlesbrough Council and Redcar & Cleveland Council.
Any information which you send to us through this website, i.e. your personal details when completing a contact form, is managed as follows:
1. We will keep information no longer than we reasonably believe is necessary
We keep your data only for as long is required. Personal details which you submit through this website are sent directly to Public Health South Tees and are not stored by the website.
If you sign up to Salons for Screening and/or Screen Stars, your details will be kept for as long as the scheme runs, or until you no longer wish to be involved, whichever is the sooner.
If you sign up to be a No Fear Practice, your details will be kept for as long as the scheme runs, or until you no longer wish to be involved, whichever is the sooner.
If you contact us with a question about Screening Saves Lives or any of our professional resources, we will keep your contact details until your query has been resolved.
2. We will use information only for the purpose for which you sent it
The personal data you submit when signing up to Salons for Screening will be used to contact you about the scheme if necessary, and to send your free copies of Beautiful magazine by post.
The personal data you submit when signing up to Screen Stars will be used to contact you about the scheme if necessary. Your personal details will not be shared on the website. Your business details will be shared on the website in order to promote your business and encourage Screen Stars card holders to use their card at your business.
The personal data you submit when signing up to be a No Fear Practice will be used to contact you about the scheme if necessary. Your personal details will not be shared on the website. Your business (practice) details will be shared on the website to let patients know which surgeries in their area are signed up to the No Fear scheme, and how they can visit or make an appointment with the practice.
The personal data you submit when contacting us about Screening Saves Lives or any of our professional resources will be used to correspond with you about your query.
3. We may use information for statistical analysis but in such a way that your identity will not be involved
To improve the user experience of this website we track your activity on this website. This statistical data generated in this way is completely anonymised.
4. Use of cookies
A number of cookies are present on this website. The purpose of these cookies is to enable the website to function correctly and improve your experience. There are no sales or advert cookies used.
By using this website you are giving permission for cookies to be used to track your activity. The different cookies used on this site are explained below:
Cookie name: _ga
Purpose: Google Analytics to monitor your activity on our website
Expires: 2 years
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Purpose: Google Analytics to monitor your activity on our website
Expires: 1 day
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Purpose: Google Analytics to monitor your activity on our website
Expires: 1 day
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Purpose: Remembers acceptance of cookies preference
Expires: 1 month
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Purpose: Enables tracking based on geographical GPS location
Expires: 30 minutes
Cookie name: Visitor_info1_live
Purpose: Successful operation of videos delivered from YouTube
Expires: 6 months
Cookie name: YSC
Purpose: Preferences relating to videos delivered from YouTube
Expires: Once browser is closed
5. Getting consent to use your data
By entering your details via the Salons for Screening/Screen Stars sign-up form on this website you are giving us permission to contact you in relation to Salons for Screening and/or Screen Stars, depending on which of these schemes you have signed up for.
By entering your details via the No Fear Practice sign-up form on this website you are giving us permission to contact you in relation to the No Fear scheme.
By entering your details via the general contact form (accessed via the homepage or the professional resources section), you are giving us permission to contact you in relation to your query.
6. We will only collect information that is required
All of the information we collect in relation to Salons for Screening is required for us to be able to contact you about the scheme if necessary, and send your free copies of Beautiful magazine by post.
All of the information we collect in relation to Screen Stars is required for us to be able to promote your business as part of Screen Stars, and to contact you about the scheme if necessary.
All of the information we collect in relation to No Fear Practices is required for us to be able to promote your business (practice) as being a No Fear Practice, and to contact you about the scheme if necessary.
All of the information we collect via the general contact form (accessed via the homepage or the professional resources section) is required to allow us to respond to your query.
7. Website protected by https
This website is secured using https security. The https which appears at the beginning of our website address means that this website is certified secure, and therefore any data which is passed to us via this website is safe.
8. Storage of data given
Information that you input through this site is securely sent to Public Health South Tees. The data you submit will be sent in email form and stored in a secure inbox, accessible only to the staff member best placed to deal with your request (i.e. business sign-up or query, depending on which form you completed).
In the case of Salons for Screening/Screen Stars, your data will be added to a database of all businesses signed up to the schemes. This database will be stored on Middlesbrough Council’s secure network and accessible only to Public Health South Tees staff.
In the case of No Fear Practices, your data will be added to a database of all businesses (practices) signed up to the scheme. This database will be stored on Middlesbrough Council’s secure network and accessible only to Public Health South Tees staff.
The data you submit is not stored anywhere in the website.
9. How we will contact you
We will always contact you via email in the first instance. If you have supplied us with a phone number, we will only use this to contact you if we’re unable to contact you via email, for example if your email address is no longer valid.
10. Subject access request
At Middlesbrough Council we are open and honest about how we store your personal data and what we use it for. At any time you can complete a subject access request which will inform you what information we hold about you and how that information is being used. To make a subject access request please go to the data protection page on the Middlesbrough Council website. You will need to specify that your request for information relates to Screening Saves Lives.
11. Right to be forgotten
As mentioned above, we will only keep data relating to you for as long as is required. At any point you have the right to request to be forgotten. This means that if requested we will, where possible, delete our records of contact with you.
To request the right to be forgotten please contact the Information Governance Team at Middlesbrough Council. Contact details are available on the data protection page on the Middlesbrough Council website.
For further information on the General Data Protection Regulation and Middlesbrough Council’s responsibilities under it please consult the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO).