Reduce your risk - Go smokefree

Start off by making a list of reasons why you should quit. There are lots of obvious reasons, like improving your health and having more money. Health benefits can start very quickly after you quit – after 3 days without a cigarette, you’ll find it easier to breathe!

There are other reasons to quit too. You’ll have more energy, whether you use it jumping around at gigs, playing with the kids (or dog), or something else! Other people in your house won’t be exposed to the harmful effects of breathing in your smoke. And you’re giving yourself the best possible chance of preventing your family from losing you.

Write yourself a plan:

  • Set a target date to quit by – maybe you’ve got a big birthday coming up, or want to have a bit extra money to spend on holiday.
  • Ask yourself whether there are certain times or places you’re more likely to smoke, or have cravings. Can you avoid them?
  • Think of something to distract you when cravings hit. Don’t just chew the end of pen!

Tell your family and friends that you’re trying to quit. Ask them not to offer you cigarettes, and to support you if you’re struggling. They might even decide to quit with you!

Stop smoking services are there to help you. In fact, you’re 3 times more likely to quit if you have the help of a stop smoking service. It’s not about sitting around and being judged or shouted at. And they’re not going to kick you out if you slip up and have a cigarette! Stop smoking advisors are friendly and really do just want to help you. Even if you’ve tried to quit before and not managed it, you’ll always be welcome back to try again. Find your nearest stop smoking clinic on NHS Smokefree.

It can be hard to stay motivated when you’re trying to quit, so give yourself a special goal to aim for. The NHS Smokefree calculator can tell you how much money quitting smoking could save you. Then all you need to do is decide what to spend that extra money on! On average, people who quit smoking save over £1500 per year. Imagine what you could do with that much extra cash!