Business signup

Sign up to Screen Stars

What it involves:

  • You’ll set an offer (e.g. 10% off), and the restrictions (e.g. not to be used on Saturdays). You can change these at any time.
  • We’ll promote your business and offers on the Screening Saves Lives website, and on our Reduce Your Risk Facebook page. So you’re maximising your potential to attract new customers and to help save lives!

Please note, women have cervical screening appointments

  • once every 3 years (if aged 25 to 49)
  • once every 5 years (if aged 50 to 64)

After their appointment, they’ll get a Screen Stars card from their GP or nurse. The Screen Stars card can only be used once, at one of the participating businesses.

Sign up to Salons for Screening

By being part of Salons for Screening, you’ll:

  • get free copies of our ‘Beautiful Inside And Out’ magazine to display in your waiting area
  • agree to chat to clients about the stories and features in the magazine, and encourage them to attend their cervical screening appointment
  • let us know if any of your clients have inspirational stories that they’d like to share via the magazine

    What would you like to sign up to?
    Salons for ScreeningScreen Stars

    Local authority area
    DarlingtonHambleton and RichmondshireHartlepoolMiddlesbroughRedcar and ClevelandStocktonWhitbyNone of these

    Details of how we store and use your data can be found in our privacy policy.