Welcome to the Screening Saves Lives website!
We’re here to tell you about the five national health screening programmes – AAA, bowel, breast, cervical, and NHS Health Checks.
Just got your screening letter and have questions? We know that understanding more about screening makes people feel better about going. Here you can find out what your screening is looking for, and what it involves.
Not sure if you can get screened? You can find out who’s eligible, and what to do if you haven’t been contacted or missed your appointment.
We know that lots of people don’t go for their screening when they’re invited. They might be too busy, embarrassed, or scared it’ll hurt. But research shows that screening can, and does, save people’s lives. It can detect a problem early, before you have any symptoms. And finding out about a problem early can mean that treatment is more effective.
Screening Saves Lives is a project run by Public Health South Tees and supported by Northern Cancer Alliance and Tees Valley CCG.
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